Saturday, May 4, 2013

Highlands | Feed the Scottish Deer!

Hi peeps!
The journey continues and before we reach the haunting Glen Coe, we make a stop at Kings House Hotel to feed the Scottish Deer! Oh, how excited!!
Even, we didn't manage face-to-face with Highlands Cattle (huhu, *sad*), this is more super duper cute!
 Don't u agree that the pictures are really like a real painting? See, soooo beautiful!! Masyaallah!
I can update this entry faster as no editing needs to brighten or auto correct the images, hehe, they are really natural beauty and perfect!

* insert caption here *
Who have more charming smile?


cik.emma said...

ececeh..bagi makan rusa..caya lahh.. jinak tak rusa2 tu? boleh bawak balik malaysia satu, manee tau rusa malaysia lain, lgpon rusa kat situ mesti speaking LON DONN ahaha.. kidding.. k daa..

plain.dessert said...

ngeh!!! heheheheh