Saturday, May 4, 2013

Day 2 | The Ancient, Mysterious of Highlands

Overall view of Scotland's map, huhu, 2 minggu kot baru puas pusing, from Oban, naik Highlands till Inverness, then pergi Aberdeen, trun ke Dundee and Stirling, wow!! Only in my dream..haha, well, we just have few days for this trip, so pergi yang highlight saja ye, if you have more times, suggest to drive through and conquest the whole Scotland! Fuhhh, sangat best ok sebab semua tempat adalah sgt cantik *sorry, I keep repeating the same things*
Untuk naik ke Highlands, we both agree to join the tour, agak costly but husband tak penat la drive sbb jauh jugak untuk naik atas ni but you can stop at any pit stop freely and travel based on your own map. If you plan to drive, better check in kt atas tu for a night or more. If not mmg penat la, nanti tak dapat la en.driver nak menikmati pemandangan hehehe.
So, imagine we have to cover all the above place in a one day!! 7.30am smua dah check in into Luxury Mercedes mini coach, hehe, provided by Scottish Tour.
Ada banyak lagi travel agent lain yang offer more or less package mcm ni, so pilih je memana. around 38-40 pounds per head depends on your booking time and season. Bila join travel agents ni, diorang akan bawak kita ke tempat2 yang famous for tourist and full of information. Sepanjang perjalanan tu, non stop diorang bercakap utk bg info for every place and the history, hihi. Kat sinilah kami berkenalan dengan lagu-lagu traditional Scotland, haha, its enjoyable dear!
Inilah coach kami!! Dalam tu boleh muat dalam 14-16 orang kot. Kami amik the first row, a strategic seat utk snap gambar, hihi
For the rest of the journey, I'll break the entries according to the places, ok?
Till then, I leave you with the Brave OST "Touch The Sky" by Julie Fowlis coz this movie animation location based on this stunning Highlands ...

  When cold winds are calling,
And the sky is clear and bright,
Misty mountains sing and beckon,
Lead me out into the light.

I will ride, I will fly,
Chase the wind and touch the sky,
I will fly,
Chase the wind and touch the sky.

Where dark woods hide secrets,
And mountains are fierce and bold,
Deep waters hold reflections,
Of times lost long ago.

I will hear their every story,
Take hold of my own dream,
Be as strong as the seas are stormy,
And proud as an eagle's scream.

I will ride, I will fly,
Chase the wind and touch the sky,
I will fly,
Chase the wind and touch the sky.

And touch the sky.

Chase the wind, chase the wind.

Touch the sky.


cikkartunkelamkabut said...

cantiknye kak..terpukau sungguh!!subhanallah!