Sunday, May 12, 2013

Highlands | The Amazing of Glencoe - Part I

Hi there, do you still with me? Hehehe.
Sorry, entry tenggelam timbul, harapnya anda tidak bosan.
For the whole route of the Highland's trip, for us, Glen Coe is the most beautiful and stunning view! Superb!
Boleh search on youtube for the whole view of Glen Coe, Ada banyak version ikut musim. Luckily for us masa pergi ni masih ada saki baki snow, so the colors of beauty mix well and combine with the nature.
Masuk je situ, wow, am I in Switzerland dear? Ho ho, not yet babe!
The overall landscape is amazing, okay, I'm speechless, you can google it for yourself. And of course I can't take freestyle photo as we're bound with the trip, kat mana dia stop kat situ baru boleh trun okay. The rest all snaps from the window, sigh!
That's one reason why you should drive by yourself!!
Then, Glen Coe also had its own history, its sound tragic, but it happened a long time ago, in 1692, the Massacre of Glencoe! Again, you have to do a homework, hehe, find it by yourself if you interested to know further, hihi. They said, you still can hear their cries! Scary huh!
The above two videos are taken just using a handphone. One of them, taking from the moving vehicle - you can clearly see the famous three sisters hill from the video, which are Aonach Dubh, Gearr Aonach and Beinn Fhada.
The another is taken when we're stopping at the corner. Angin sgt kuat, you can hear it in the video!
Okay dear, till we meet again, enjoy the pics!