Friday, May 24, 2013

Interval | Checklist Updated

1. Adapter - Checked ✓
2. Sleeping Bag - Checked ✓
3. Travel Pillow - Checked ✓
 4. Torchlight - Checked ✓
5. Slipper - Checked ✓

6. Travel Iron - Checked ✓
7. Wipes - Checked ✓
8. Travel Detergent - Checked ✓

9. First Aid - Checked

10. Pumps, ngeh!hehehe - Checked ✓

Nugget Ayam Taufu

Homemade Nugget, yeahooo, project done!
Heheh, Ingin mencuba? Ni saya copy paste resepi from original website kepunyaan Jintan Manis
Ikut step by step pasti berjaya =)
Saya buat half adunan, dpt la 20-30 ketul, lepas tu testing simpan dlm peti sejuk, pun ok
Ikutkan mmg mudah utk beli dikedai, tapi buat sendiri lebih terjamin kebersihan dan kualiti makanan sbb daging ayam yang digunakan tanpa kulit and part-part yang tidak diingini, hihi
Ni gambar utk step 1 & 2
Step 3 & 4
Sumber Resepi dari Rancangan Masakan Jepun.
Bahan-bahanya ( kalau nak buat separuh adunan pun boleh)
4 keping daging ayam boneless ( boleh guna bahagian dada atau peha)
2 cawan serbuk roti ( breadcrumbs) ros guna jenis soft breadcrumbs
1/2 biji telur
150 gram taufu ( 1 bekas petak mini taufu) - di Malaysia buleh guna tauhu yang warna putih tu
sedikit garam
lada sulah
2 sudu kecil baking powder ( ni ros saje tambah)
*Untuk Coating*
2 biji telur yang dipukul sedikit menggunakan garpu
3 cawan breadcrumbs
1. Buang kulit pada isi ayam dan potong kecil-kecil, blender isi ayam hingga hancur. Nak guna food processer pun boleh, kalau guna blender tu jangan masukkan isi ayam tu sekali gus ye, masuk sikit-sikit kasi betul-betul hancur.
2. Kemudian masukkan isi ayam yang telah diblender tadi di dalam bekas dan masukkan taufu, baking powder, lada sulah, dan garam, gaul sebati hingga taufu hancur.
3. Kemudian masukkan serbuk roti dan telur, gaul lagi. Selepas itu bentukkan nuggeta ayam mengikut citarasa masing-masing, bentukkan lah bulat ke, lonjong ke bentuk love ke, ikut kerajinan lah, semalam ros buat bentuk bulat je.
4. Apabila telah dibentukkan bulat-bulat, leperkan sedikit dan celupkan dengan telur dan salut semula dengan serbuk roti, kalau nak coating tu lebih tebal ulang langkah tadi sekali lagi. Boleh terus di goreng atau di simpan di dalam tempat sejuk beku.
Selamat Mencuba.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Highlands | The Amazing of Glencoe - Part II

The Massacre Of Glencoe
by The Corries
Oh cruel is the snow that sweeps Glencoe
And covers the grave o' Donald
And cruel was the foe that raped Glencoe
And murdered the house o' MacDonald

They came through the blizzard, we offered them heat
A roof ower their heads, dry shoes for their feet
We wined them and dined them, they ate o' our meat
And slept in the house O' MacDonald


They came from Fort William with murder mind
The Campbell had orders, King William had signed
Pit all tae the sword, these words underlined
And leave none alive called MacDonald


They came in the night when the men were asleep
That band of Argyles, through snow soft and deep.
Like murdering foxes, among helpless sheep
They slaughtered the house o' MacDonald


Some died in their beds at the hands of the foe
Some fled in the night, were lost in the snow.
Some lived to accuse him, what struck the first blow
But gone was the house of MacDonald

(chorus x2)



Highlands | The Amazing of Glencoe - Part I

Hi there, do you still with me? Hehehe.
Sorry, entry tenggelam timbul, harapnya anda tidak bosan.
For the whole route of the Highland's trip, for us, Glen Coe is the most beautiful and stunning view! Superb!
Boleh search on youtube for the whole view of Glen Coe, Ada banyak version ikut musim. Luckily for us masa pergi ni masih ada saki baki snow, so the colors of beauty mix well and combine with the nature.
Masuk je situ, wow, am I in Switzerland dear? Ho ho, not yet babe!
The overall landscape is amazing, okay, I'm speechless, you can google it for yourself. And of course I can't take freestyle photo as we're bound with the trip, kat mana dia stop kat situ baru boleh trun okay. The rest all snaps from the window, sigh!
That's one reason why you should drive by yourself!!
Then, Glen Coe also had its own history, its sound tragic, but it happened a long time ago, in 1692, the Massacre of Glencoe! Again, you have to do a homework, hehe, find it by yourself if you interested to know further, hihi. They said, you still can hear their cries! Scary huh!
The above two videos are taken just using a handphone. One of them, taking from the moving vehicle - you can clearly see the famous three sisters hill from the video, which are Aonach Dubh, Gearr Aonach and Beinn Fhada.
The another is taken when we're stopping at the corner. Angin sgt kuat, you can hear it in the video!
Okay dear, till we meet again, enjoy the pics!


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Highlands | Feed the Scottish Deer!

Hi peeps!
The journey continues and before we reach the haunting Glen Coe, we make a stop at Kings House Hotel to feed the Scottish Deer! Oh, how excited!!
Even, we didn't manage face-to-face with Highlands Cattle (huhu, *sad*), this is more super duper cute!
 Don't u agree that the pictures are really like a real painting? See, soooo beautiful!! Masyaallah!
I can update this entry faster as no editing needs to brighten or auto correct the images, hehe, they are really natural beauty and perfect!

* insert caption here *
Who have more charming smile?

Highlands | The Serenity of Loch Lomond

Welcome to our first pitstop - the largest fresh water lake, Loch Lomond. Loch means 'lake' in Scots. We stop here for breakfast and enjoy the fresh breath there, it still morning around 9 am and this Loch Lomond is very famous till it featured in one of the famous tradition Scottish song, 'Bonnnie Bank o' Loch Lomond, go find it on You Tube or play the above our personal video taken using a hand phone (don't expect much for the quality, haha), its a sad, touching yet a melancholy song! The melody and lyrics are awesome guys.

It's very beautiful lake and scenery, I think the background's mountains and the calmness make it a most leisure destination! It's fascinate!
Lastly, as usual, I'll leave you with this beautiful song's lyric, hihi.
Imagine that you're listen to this song while appreciating the beauty of the nature, praise to Him the Almighty.
Where the sun shines bright on Loch Lomond'.
where me and my true love were ever wont to gae
On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond'.

O ye'll tak' the high road and I'll tak the low road,
An' I'll be in Scotland afore ye;
But me and my true love will never meet again
On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomon'.

'Twas there that we parted in yon shady glen,
On the steep, steep side o' Ben Lomon',
Wher in purple hue the Hieland hills we view,
An' the moon comin' out in the gloamin'.

The wee birdies sing and the wild flow'rs spring,
And in sunshine the waters are sleepin';
But the broken heart it kens nae second spring again,
Tho' the waefu' may cease frae their greetin'