Friday, December 14, 2012

Windsor | The Great Park and Long Walk

Kami pergi great park and long walk first, since the forecast stated there maybe a chances of rain around 11am. It's just located at the back of the castle.
 Bila sampai, pheww .. truly a long, longgggg walk! Believe me, it's just partial of the overall view -  nice park for running

 So, we just leisurely stroll around the leafless tress, which surround us - The trees standing bare in the colder weather. Meanwhile us, hah, mengigil-gigil menahan sejuk!

 Breathtaking on this nice day - chilling! Well, its beginning of the winter season.
The view of the entire park is just amazing! Beautiful, and wordless, Subhanallah!
Nearly half of the path ... nampak pulak a lonely wooden seater, sorang-sorang dia je kat tengah-tengah tuh! Tetiba teringat kalau Najwa Latiff buat video clip sambil main guitar kat sini mesti cantik! haha
Ada tak ala-ala pokok mcm dalam cerita Lagenda Budak Setan tuh? Tapi angel pokok ni tak ckup senget kan
Sampai di sini saja, surrender, hehe, ada halfway lagi to go utk smp end of the track. Cuaca sangat sejuk+dah kurang energy, hihihi. Kalau berjaya smp hujung jalan, bolehla tgk the entire view, sbb ada hill kat situ. Oh ya, Great Park ni juga merupakan tempat deer park, tp just not our luck that day, takde plak nampak rusa across the road, hihi
Elok pulak ada sebijik rumah kat situ, entah, tak abes research, utk guard kot.
Turn back, haiyoooo, jauhhnya lagii nak jalan balik!
Finally! Sampai kat Castle area semula, nampaknya hari mcm tak jadi hujan, cuaca cantik! Tapi nak mengejar masa kami tak sempat utk jenguk river thame, next time maybe?
View at the back of the Castle