Monday, October 1, 2012

Isambard Complex - Studio Flat

Dpt je access to our room, I trus snap few angles utk tatapan semua, hehe. Alahai, quite kecik biliknya, more less bilik hotel je huhu.. and it cost for 720pounds per month! Dah nama studio compact kan. Cukupla untuk kami berdua disini, syukurrr. But I'm not really like the idea of putting a bedroom in front of the main door. Haish, org masuk trus nampak katil! For me it's very personal. Luckily we got a corner view, takdela boring sgt kiri kanan wall. Oklah, lets tour our "house" =)
Basically this is the floor plan:

Dari pintu masuk, ada mini bathroom on the right side, no bath tub just a small shower room. Nampak kat bawah ni ada white door slightly open, haa, that's our bathroom la. Pls ignore all the luggages tu yeh, masa ni baru masuk rumah after a long journey .. Merasa balik dpt bedsheet hostel, hihi. But told my husband already to get me a new one! Colourful of course!  


Can't manage to snap the shower room's shot.. 
Now ladies, the kitchen area! Love it! Hehehe, Cabinets enough for my usage. Ada oven skali, tinggal nak cuba pelbagai resipi je yeh. Freezer lg besar dari yg ada kt rumah tuh.

 On the right side view, got another wardrobe for utilities purpose. You can hang your coats and store all the luggages there. Muat jugak kami punya 3 bags yg super duper besar tuh.

Left side - Ada counter table for dine in. Best2, kat Alam Budiman dulu mmg bercita2 nak buat counter idea ni, buat finally cancel sbb kami nak spacious area.

Hall just next to the kitchen skali dgn study desk. Cun jugak reddie sofa tuh, klu ada TV boleh zzzzz kat situ jgk, hehehe.
Lastly, the study area. Utk seorang je hokay, so, berebut2 la utk duduk kt sini buat kerja. Byk shelves kat atas tu utk letak stuff. So, what say you? Hehehe..but this is consider worth it with that rate coz includings utilities and fully furnish. Even Iron board pun disediakan. Vacuum pun ada. Aha, not forgotten the wifi included. Cuma klu duduk luar you have your own yard and more spaces of course but you've to pay all the utilities. For a year only right.
So, as for now this is our "home sweet home" =)


ulin said...

Comel dan lengkap.. Hehe.
Dapur tu best.. Bleh la nina masak macam ye..

plain.dessert said...

Iyer, comel shj,hihi..Ala2 bilik hotel je ni ha sizenya.. Aha, takada excuse utk tidak memasak pun, dah takde benda nak dibuat pun =)

coklet chenta said...

Dapur paling best!!

Nur Hana Humaira said...

kecil tp sweet utk 2 orang. dapur cantik harus tiap2 ari masak. blk m'sia nanti mesti dah tembam heheh

plain.dessert said...

Haza,ms dtg mmg dh tembam, blk xtaula la camne...kt sini berselera je lak tu,huhu

nastasea said...

baru sempat baca...waa..mmg totally bilik hostel but sesuwai laa utk korang ber2...hehe

plain.dessert said...

Hi ibu aqil n ariq, thanks for drop by n komen :-)
Aha, mmg mcm hostel pun, add on sofa, en suite bathroom and kitchen je,hihi... but puas hati tang dapur la, lelain mmg kecil shj :-)