Saturday, October 13, 2012

Hamleys - The Finest Toys Shop in the World

The store itself has seven floors! Whoaaa,  I just love to explore children's world imagination, don't u? The Hamleys Toy Shop covered most of the top brand toys and characters such as Barbie, Lego, Harry Porter, Thomas the Tank Engine and many more. Lets enjoy the piccas!
Crowded in front of the building


Last but not least! Haha, perasan!



Anonymous said...

today outing is the best!

plain.dessert said...

yaaaa..smp terpisah2..hiha, sesak nafas blk tdi, fully-packed train!

Nasha said...

wahhhh ni kalau si Iman jumpa Thomas habis laa...Dah 6 months dok cari Thomas Wooden track tak dapat2 kat malaysia ni. Pi singapore pun tak jumpa2. Ada yang plastic track aje. Habis u beli apa Salina :-)

hazawahida said...

haluuu haluuu gambar last tu yg best hahahah. Ok kita dah open blog to readers (ceewahh macam lah popular sgt)

Anonymous said...

ni kalau bawak anak buah senawang, roboh mall..hehehe..

plain.dessert said...

Kak Nasha, kami pi "ukur jalan" je kat oxford street tuh, haha..smua branded2 and masih blum sale. Kt toys tu pun survey2 and meninjau kawasan (ala2 pegawai daerah), hihihi..

Anyway, ada gambar area thomas play area, takde plak dipost dlm ni..mcm ada track tu but nor sure wooden or plastic..Nanti klu pg lg situ kami tlg surveykn okeh

plain.dessert said...

Jap, aritu dh jumpa K.Nasha nya blog..nanti I follow yeh, hihihi