Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day Out at South Kensington - Natural History Museum

Entrance museum ni ala2 mcm dlm movie - Night At the Museum, hehe. Building punyala besar, tp mcm more to memorial of Darwin'sTheory je, emmmm.
Discover lots of fossil like dinosaurs (you want to see face to face T.rex, aren't you?), deep ocean livings, human biology, mammals, reptiles, minerals and many more!
Baru lepas hujan

Normal, rombongan sekolah harusss ke sini, hihih
Imagine T.rex become alive at night,  Whoaaa, laaari!
 Macam2 spesies fossil, layan je...


Area human evolution tu, mmg purposely malas nak captured.. level 1 full of Darwin's findings..