Sunday, October 14, 2012

Emulsifier - Code for Reference

Posted here for our easy references.
Fyi, emulsifier been used to blend two or more different entity to form a product. Cth utk senang faham ialah minyak dgn air will never been together, masa ni lah emulsifier digunakan utk larutkn keduanya. Or we used eggs masa buat kek, nak mix tepung dgn butter.
Emulsifier ni boleh jumpa everywhere around you from butter, ice cream, chocolate & bakery product.
So, kena extra carefull especially for us here (and everywhere). Many faq and concerns had been thrown for E471 code (mono & diglycerides) - actually this group can be derived from animal (usually pork fat) or plant source.

Better not to buy products with general E471 without mention the origin source and to be safe we always choose for vegetarian! Hopefully bila products tu state "suitable for vegetarian", they really mean it. No animals fat - slalu ingredients akan stated kt situ, soy based/palm - sunflower- corn oil and extra.

Fav crunch

Wheat Bran (23%),Sugar ,Rice Flour ,Wheat Flour ,Vegetable Oil ,Maize Flour ,Chocolate (7%) (Cocoa Mass, Sugar, Fat Reduced Cocoa Powder, Emulsifier {Soya Lecithin}) ,Fat Reduced Cocoa Powder ,Emulsifiers (Sunflower Lecithin, Soy Lecithin) ,Salt ,Skimmed Milk Powder ,Barley Malt Extract ,Flavourings ,Ammonium Bicarbonate ,Sodium Bicarbonate ,Dextrose ,Vitamins and Minerals: Niacin, Iron, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), Folic Acid, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12

Our Sunday partial-home made-breakfast ! Not-so-healty, tak ikut sunnah (campur buah dgn susu)



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the informative article, it was a good read and I hope its ok that I share this with some facebook friends. Thanks.