Friday, March 29, 2013

5th Anniversary

Its been F I V E years !!!
First and foremost (mcm nak bg ucapan apa pulak yer, hehe), Alhamdullilah syukur pada Ilahi di atas segala nikmat, rezeki, peluang dan segala kehidupan ini.In fact not only for this anniversary, actually I'm thankful and grateful for every seconds in my life... (touching plak rasanya, sbb masa tulis ni, sambil dgr Celtic music yang mendayu2, huhu)
Lama juga ya lima tahun tuh, kalau pergi sekolah menengah, dah abes ambil SPM, kalau buat PHD plak, dh siap balik posting mengajar...huhu, lama mmg lama dari segi kiraan hari, tapi bagi kami setiap detik dan waktu adalah sangat berharga, masih bercinta mengenali satu sama lain dan setiap kenangan masih segar di ingatan.. Iyalah kan, kalau selepas berkahwin perasaan semakin pudar itu bermakna Syaitan sudah menang.
Aperpun terima kasih tuhan di atas cinta ini, suami, perkahwinan, kedua keluarga dan semua yang menyokong kami dalam menempuh segala suka duka bahtera perkahwinan.
Hihi, yang ke 5 ni haruslah beri ucapan lebih sket sbb significant kan....well slalu anniversary kan org sambut dlm gandaan gitu, contohnya 5th will be wooden symbol, 10th will be Tin, 15th Crystal, 20th China, 25th Silver, 30th pearl, 40th Ruby, 50th Gold and 60th will be diamond. Haa uols, lama lagi tu nak dpt diamond, so sapa dh dpt masa kahwin sgtla bersyukur okay :) 
Lastly, selamat menyambut ulang tahun perkahwinan my dearest husband, thanks for everythings. Pada semua yang wish, terima kasih, doakan kebahagiaan kami dan semoga urusan kita semua dipermudahkan dan yang paling penting diberkatiNYA, Amin!
~Beautiful Quotes~
Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires:
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise on your lips.


Friday, March 15, 2013

What's New in Town?

Hurry, hurry, check it out!
New grocery store is now opening near our residence - just at the back of Isambard Complex, to be exact near the ferndale crescent bus stop, next to Ford's showroom. About the price, what can I say it have more or less price compare with other stores, depends on the items, but for the nearby residence - its the distance matter, hehe.
Ok, will show u the random products in the other entry later.

See, the sky in the photos, ohhh, how beautiful!!
Did I had mention before that the sky here are so photogenic! They are awesome in many ways and in any situation, love it!

Next is, Fun Fair !!
Near the Yiewsley - West Drayton area, at the time I took these photos, they just about to set up the place. Guess it must be ready now =)

And last ...what's new in the collection, hehe, The House by The Sea!! Cheap, got it for a  £1 whereas the normal price was  £12.99. hihi
The story takes place from the Tuscani, Italian countryside to the beautiful English coast, England's Devon. That's all for now, see ya , hopefully I can publish few entries before the Easter Break.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Nasi Daun Limau Purut

Honestly, before this tak pernah tau kewujudan nasi nih, hihi. Sesuai dgn niat untuk memaksimumkan penggunaan daun limau purut yang susah payah dipos dari Malaysia, google punya google dptlah ke entry ini.. So, silalah visit this link Masam Manis: Nasi Daun Limau Purut for further details yeh, and I paste here the recipe for easy reference and even the deco smua pun copy jgk, ngeh ngeh, tak sesuai betullah , hihihi, cuma takdela selawa and secanggih original author.
Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan tak banyak and cara membuat pun tak rumit, Insyaallah semua boleh mencuba =), sangat wangi and menghijaukan pandangan, haha
Saya ikut semua resepi dibawah cuma replace stock ayam dengan Vegetable Cube (stock sayur) sbb taknak taste lebih kurang sama dengan nasi ayam. Lagipun veg cube ni akan jadikan nasi sedikit kehijauan because of the tekstur ingredientsnya (but, still letak pewarna hijau tau!)
Untuk lauknya pula, boleh match dgn macam-macam resepi ikut lah taste masing-masing yer, utk gambar di atas ni, sy buat Ayam Sos Siam (pun, ikut sebjik seperti di website di atas, hehe) - tapi utk kawan-kawan yang dpt mencuba nasi nih, sy masakkn lauk ayam masak merah je. Ok, Selamat Mencuba semua =)
By : Chef Zaidah Mohd Noor
Rujukan : Buku masakan
Cita Rasa Malaysia 1000 resepi Unggul
2 sudu besar margerin
1.5 cm halia ~ kupas dan hiris
2 ulas bawang putih ~ dihiris
4 ulas bawang merah ~ dihiris
1 batang serai ~ dititik
3 helai daun limau purut
Garam secukup rasa
500 ml air
125 ml pati santan
1 sudu besar stock ayam
2 cawan beras Basmathi ~ di cuci bersih dan toskan airnya
4 titik pewarna hijau
Panaskan Margerin di dalam periuk
Tumiskan bahan-bahan hiris hingga wangi
Masukkan serai dan daun limau purut, kacau sebentar
Apabila dah harum masukkan air, garam, santan, stock ayam dan beras
Kacau sedikit dan biarkan sehingga air nasi kering
Apabila kering, titiskan dengan pewarna hijau
Gaul sebati dan biarkan hingga nasi masak sepenuhnya.


Will the 'Wintery' March Eclipse the Spring?


Salam, hello there = )
It's supposed to be beginning of spring this month
, March - but winter seems doesn't wanna say goodbye to us here, hihi.

The weather is getting colder since last weekend, and not only that, light snow also fell today and few on last Monday.
Me as usual tried to enjoy every precious moments and thankful for all of these experiences
Still remember my previous photo posted on my FB about snow kitty? Hey, I found it published on the Brunel Buletin Newspaper - Le Nurb, so called as "Purrrfect Snowcat" !! Hehehe, so excited cause finally we found who are the creative artist that doing such a great sculpture. He must be pretty proud of his effort, hehe, so coollll!
Pictures and details taken from owner's website
foot note: Above Snow Video taken on 11st February, 2013 from our bed window at Trevor Slater Hall, Isambard Complex and Spring Beautiful Blossoms taken along the  road heading to Yiewsley

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Pak Awie, Southwick St.London

 After having fun time at Camden Town, we're heading to Pak Awie Restaurant, one of the Malaysia Cuisine to feed the hungry stomachs, hehe.
Opening from Monday to Sunday , 12pm - 11pm.
Proud Jalur Gemilang Flag !! And Kedah too !

 Quite exclusive restaurant, still new as it just operate last mid of 2012

Among the menu for lunch time options

This is "Rakyat 1 Malaysia" dishes, I can't hardly wait when read that 'Sambal' hehehe, truly Malaysian!

Fried Rice
Fried Kuey Teow -  anyone know where I can find raw Kuey Teow here?
 They do have a convenient prayer room facilities at lower ground.
Okay friends, please visit for more details ya, happy eating =)

Camden Town

Hi there,
Welcome to the world famous market, Camden Cowboy Town!
Hihihi, I'm not the one who said it, look the banner below!!

The area are huge! Divided into several markets and you might not be able to finish it in a one day, should come back next time, hihi (alasan... for shopping again?)
The most best things here are the souvenir, yeaaahoo! Lots of collectible items that carrying 'London' wording are sold at more lower price compare than the other places.That makes Camden very suitable place for souvenir hunter, like me, hoho.

Other than that, you can also find lots of vintage accesories and clothing, alternative fashions stuff, art and craft, antiques items and many more.

Six main markets - enough to turn your day into a treasure hunts activity, haha

Camden Stables Market
Camden Lock Market
Camden Lock Village
Camden Buck St. Market
Main Streets
Inverness Streets

You can take tube Metropolitan Line to King's Cross St.Pancras Underground Station, then change for Northern Line and straight to Camden Town Underground Station, its quite easy to go.

Went on the last few weeks ago - 23rd February, as one of our member's wife will going back to Malaysia - searching for additional souvenir (Nurul Akmal, good luck for your interview and enjoy the kenduri kendara, hihihi) , there's still light snow falling down during that time, freezinggg cool!
Ok, lets see what's happening here..

Canal nearby the Camden Village


World of souvenir

*** dizziness photos collage, I knew it's a lot! Hehe**

Camden Stables Market

Camden Lock Market

Camden Market

Suddenly, we are all in Scotland, Holaa!! Inverness Market

The End (^_^)