Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Muffin Madness

Salam readers,
Second trial using my mini cupcake maker.. this time I'm trying plain basic muffin - again experimental with the simplest recipe in the world!
Hahaha, begitula... baru mencuba with this new tool, so harus guna resipi yang plg mudah dan ekonomi dengan erti kata lain agar pembaziran tidak berlaku jika tidak menjadi!! hihih
I called it PLAIN cause there are no other flavour inside, no mashed banana or grated apple and even no chocolate chip added!!
Very easy and tasty, ends up with 28 pieces (4 times bake x 7 pieces in every cook), wuhuuu!
 Will enhance it time to time, so wait till my next post okay =)
Emm..the presentation not really into a muffin, hahaha. It should looks like a volcano and bursting out a crack on the top, isn't it? Well, still oven is the best solution I guess =)
Just for having fun, why not giving a try?
1 egg
120ml milk
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
200g plain flour
(equivalent with 14 tablespoons or 1 cup)
100g caster sugar
(equivalent with 6.5 tablespoons)
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt