Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sehangat Asmara | Early Reviews

Hello readers, salam. 
Still remember my previous short entry on Sehangat Asmara? 

Well well well, it's already on the screen- and the problem is (definitely this is my problem,hihihi,not the other animals in the earth!) I still can't feel the X-Factor for this TV version! Upsss! Being the No.1 fan of the Novel, I expect more from them,huhuhu, but I know, it's still too early for the judgement. Will give 'em a chance, hopefully it's better next week. 

I'm good with Rita Rudaini and Adi Putra, it's just I don't like the way Adira tune the evergreen-fav-Ratuku-song! Hahaha, and of course plus the other things.
See, how the soundtrack can give audience like me a big impact! Awie went well and usually Adira was better just not this time. The crew also used the same OST of AdamHawa as one of their scene background music. Come on, even I knew the Shahir's song is just perfect but it just make the series typical with other. Hemm, ok, enough rambling, hihihi, it's just my view, nothing serious.
So, how about you?