Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Strong Winds Sweeping Through

Well, after the snowy, heavy rain, flooding, and now it's windy today! And for few days ago... begitulah hujan emas di negara orang, hujan batu di negara sendiri =)
* on my way back to hostel today *
till then, see u in the next post!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sehangat Asmara | Early Reviews

Hello readers, salam. 
Still remember my previous short entry on Sehangat Asmara? 

Well well well, it's already on the screen- and the problem is (definitely this is my problem,hihihi,not the other animals in the earth!) I still can't feel the X-Factor for this TV version! Upsss! Being the No.1 fan of the Novel, I expect more from them,huhuhu, but I know, it's still too early for the judgement. Will give 'em a chance, hopefully it's better next week. 

I'm good with Rita Rudaini and Adi Putra, it's just I don't like the way Adira tune the evergreen-fav-Ratuku-song! Hahaha, and of course plus the other things.
See, how the soundtrack can give audience like me a big impact! Awie went well and usually Adira was better just not this time. The crew also used the same OST of AdamHawa as one of their scene background music. Come on, even I knew the Shahir's song is just perfect but it just make the series typical with other. Hemm, ok, enough rambling, hihihi, it's just my view, nothing serious.
So, how about you?

Monday, January 21, 2013

Flurries Everywhere

This is "syok sendiri" entry , hahaha, feeling like twilight-wanna be! As the snow continuous falling down from morning till the night yesterday, we went to the nearest recreational park for a shoot and personal-video recording.

And below some photos compilation taken at the campus on the first day of heavy snow showers last Friday, enjoy viewing!


Finally, It's Snowing!!

Yeah, yeah, the time had come - it was well forecast when they predict the snow showers expected to fall in our area around 9am on Friday. 
We were emmm, so, so excited and wonder looking through the amaze phenomena - well for me, snow still remain as one of the miracle - keajaiban alam and kebesaran Tuhan, MasyaAllah!!
Till now, I'm still grateful and thankful for it.
Managed to capture the snowflakes - landed on hubby's jacket. By this time every snow falling down shown as real snow crystal flakes shapes, and you can see it even without a microscope! Heavy snowfall continuous atleast for few hours and getting light around 3pm that day. And the after effects was like .... waaaa .. everywhere looks like a real winter wonderland and turns white under a blanket of snow!! Please do check my fb for the photos.

I'm grilling salmon for the snowfall lunch's menu, hihi, cool right?

Lastly, I leave you with these vlog(s) taken using the handphone, not that perfect but good enough for our collection, hihi - Enjoy everyone!! I pray for you to have this experience too, one day soon or later, InsyaAllah...Amin!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Bristol | Getting Around

 Maaf, entry Bristol lambat sket update, kunun-kunun nak update sedetails yang boleh, memudahkan rakan-rakan yang nak berkunjung ke Bristol buat rujukan, hehe. Sebab apa, saya juga begitu kalau nak pergi somewhere, slalu akan search blog and memana website yang bagi panduan detail, transport, tips-tips and do's & don'ts. Well, sharing is caring =), lgpun most og the highlighted pictures already upload into my FB - check it out!

Traveling time from London to Bristol took around two and half hour - tak jauh mana pun. Kalau mahu mengikut style kami iaitu percutian 'budget' (yerlah, banyak lagi tempat nak pergi kan), hehe, bolehla ikut tips2 ni. Oh ya, ini jika anda memilih untuk menaiki Bus, maybe ada jugak rate yang okay jika menaiki train (National Rail). Perancangan awal amat digalakkan kerana segala tempahan hotel dan ticket akan dpt dgn kadar yang lebih murah (semua pun mcm ni kan). Nampaknya percubaan kami utk bertolak menggunakan Mega Bus dan pulang menaiki National Express amat menepati piawaian, hehe, apa daaa.. Tips paling penting utk balik dgn menaiki National Express adalah kerana slalunya bila kita nak balik mesti dah penat and gelap, utk ciri-ciri keselamatan elokla menggunakan National Express sbb transport ni ada own bus station yang besar and selesa utk kita menunggu. Meanwhile, Mega Bus hanya ada bus stop di tepi-tepi jalan. Sesuai la dgn harganya yg agak murah berbanding National Express. Tapi kadang-kadang kalau rajin tgk rate tambang, National Express ada jugak offer rate yang lebih kurang sama dgn Mega Bus, selalunya bergantung pada timing yang kita nak naik. 

As always, favourite time (not too early or late) mmg akan mahal. Jadi kalau harga dah lebih kurang, better la ambil National Express sbb keadaan dalam nya yang lebih selesa dan luas. But don't worry, dua-dua bus akan treat kita seperti 'rombongan rasmi' - every driver akan memberi penerangan sebelum dan semasa berlepas, huhu. Bila berhenti di Fuel Station pun, akan bagi 'nasihat' yang kdg melucukan. Cthnya - selepas dialih bahasa - On your rightside, ada jalan raya besar, jangan pergi kat situ, banyak lori-lori kargo yang besar-besar. Then, near the R&R ada forest, jgn main-main kat situ, nanti disappear..hihi. Husband whispered into my hear - mcm cerita Express Dania.
Bristol City - Promenade Centre!

Sampai-sampai saja, trus cari bus utk pergi Clifton Village - main purpose kesini. Click here for bridge full entry
Clifton Suspension Bridge

 To be honest, Bristol city biasa-biasa sahaja, takut ada yang expect more pulak kan..just main attractive adalah that brige. Tapi bagi sesapa yang suka explore new place, takde istilah boring or apa, every place has their own style and story, just enjoy and keep on learning. Jauh berjalan luas pemandangan =)
Alhamdullilah berjaya cover highlight main street and corner walaupun tak sempat la nak visit Bristol Zoo and Brunel Railway, tapi overall kami berpuas hati dgn masa yang suntuk. Ya, kami tak check in hotel, day trip only, and by 4pm, it's completely dark, masuk maghrib pun. Agak rushing utk berjalan time winter nih, and cuaca di England ketika ini adalah cloudy memanjang.. Ikut nasibla, hari yang kami pergi cloudy and raining, huhu, mujur hujan hanya sebentar, thanks Allah =)

Bristol Museum

Bristol Waterfront and Habourside

Broadmead Shopping Centre

From Clifton Village - City Centre - Promenade - Habourside - Waterfront - Broadmead Shopping Centre - Coach Station, smuanya dekat-dekat  by walking distance only!
Yeay, It's enjoyable day at Bristol!

Bristol | Clifton Suspension Bridge

Ada few history yang inter-related dgn gambar ini iaitu:
 1. Isambard Kingdom Brunel
2. The Bridge
3. The Gorge and The Cliff 

Sebelum kita tgk entry bergambar ini (yer, blog ni dh mcm fotopages-penuh dgn gambar, hehe, nak buat mcm mana owner tak pandai sgt nak susun cerita, so, let the pictures talking itself), its better to know a little bit story behind. Nak google lagi bagus, maklumat dihujung jari - tapi utk memudahkan anda, let me summarized the important points and facts.

Kalau di Brunel University ni, ada tugu patung dia berdiri agak macho at central campus, tak cukup dgn tu, seluruh Zone A utk student Hall diberi nama Isambard Complex! So, who is he? According to Mr.Wiki, Isambard Kingdom Brunel was an English mechanical and civil engineer who built dockyards, railways, steamship, numerous of bridges, tunnel and design most revolutionist public transport with modern engineering. His famous and most significant project were this Clifton Suspension Bridge and Western Railway. 

At Bristol, bridge ni merupakan landmark and iconic symbol of Bristol kerana ia penting dalam menghubungkan gaung (Gorge Avon) dan tebing yang agak curam over the River of Avon. A competition had been made in designing the bridge and among the bridge design, and Brunel won! Jika berkesempatan, luangkan masa utk berkunjung ke Visitor Information Centre, kerana disana ada dipamerkan bridge design sketches that joined the contest. Fuh, bermacam-macam design, sorry, I can't take the photo inside, but hey I found few of them from the Internet! All this happened long, longgg time ago since 1800s, wowww, can u imagine that?

And ,,,,,, here we are 03/01/2013 ,,,, yeah, we've crossed the bridge too!

The view is just amazing and wordless!! The scenery was so, so beautiful!!! Subhanallah, terima kasih Allah diatas kesempatan dan peluang ini. Sukar digambarkan dengan kata-kata and even pictures cannot bet it! Or maybe sbb kami pencinta pemandangan? Hehehe..takkisahla kan, ok, lets treasure the moments =)

From city centre you can take Bus No.8 and stop at Clifton Village or ChristChurch, then masuk park, mendaki sket, sampai. But, memula kami pun ingat bridge ni agak jauh from city centre, rupanyaaa dekat je. So, balik tu jalan kaki je sbb dh tau jalan.

At Visitor Information Centre - oh ya, bridge ni lagi cantik for night version, so, if possible stay there for fantastic bridge with light =)
Hikmah selepas hujan - berkabus, cantikk!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Veg Every Tuesday

Yeah, vegetables and fruits are back to campus again after the term break!!

Actually not only veg and fruits, there also have fresh seafood booth and selling variety of fish, lobster, prawn and crab. But never try to buy it before - agak pelik-pelik physical seafood disini hehe, later teringin jugak nak beli kot. 

 Duck eggs pun ada jual yer, boleh sangat kalau teringin nak buat masak lemak (^_^)
So, klu tak keluar market, anda boleh beli pelbagai sayuran disini dengan harga yang lebih kurang sama dgn market luar but, hey, its fresh!! And some items even more cheaper. Kalau pergi pagi masih byk pilihan, and after range 2pm-3pm tu choices dah kurangla sebab start bukak since morning, but the good thing is some items diorang lelong trus nak bg abes =)

Ok, mari tgk apa yang ada dijual - ni mana yang I sempat snap la yeh, ada byk lagi, malu la pulak kat org asyik ambik gambar je, hehe

Ha, kacang bendi, daun sup, daun bawang smua ada jugak
Geram kan tgk baby carrot tu, tinggi khasiat ni for health benefits, bila dah byk sgt beli, jenuh pulak nak abeskan, makanya terpaksa la buat juice! Later kena nak belajar buat carrot cake =)