Monday, October 1, 2012

Uxbridge Town

Mari berkenalan dgn pekan kecil Uxbridge =) Uxbridge ni small town yg paling hampir dgn University. Siap ada signboard lagi tulis "Welcome to Uxbridge, A Brunel University Hometown", hehe. Boleh pergi dgn berjalan kaki or naik bus for just 5 mins only!

Eventhough kecil, tapi cukup utk menampung keperluan brg2 kita kat sini. Antaranya adalah Tesco, Banking facilities, Shopping Mall-The Chime, Poundland, Halal Meat Shop, Sport Directs, The Pavilions and byk lagilah deretan kedai  mcm pharmacy, gadget shops , coffee house, and so on.

The Pavilions (tapi bukan mcm Pavillion kat Malaysia tau) ni adalah satu buildings yg dalamnya ada byk shop lots kecik2. One of them is Wilkinson (ala2 mini Jaya Jusco). Kat Wilkinson tu byk jgkla boleh shopping house stuff like a cookware especially but smua brand wilko lah, hehehe... Klu rajin buat cupcakes ada byk stand yg fancy2 kt situ =)

Then, ada ARGOS - tp items smua display in catalogue. Mcm2 brg ada dijual seperti Clothing-Jewellery-Gifts-Garden-DIY-Computer-Kitchen-Laundry-Home & Furniture-Baby & Nursery-Toys & Gaming.

Ini pulak kedai Everything's Pound! Seronok jer bunyinya ek, hehe, murah2, tp ada jgk brg yg tak worth it utk dibeli dgn harga 1 pound tuh. Tgk brgla jgk kan, byk jgk kami beli kt sini. Lepas dh compare2 harga dgn Tesco and convert sana sini, muahaha..Jgn convert..nanti sakit hati, huhu. Tp compare dgn kedai rm2/rm5 kat Malaysia, sini mcm ok lg standard brg2 dia.hehe. Plg best beli chocolate2 mcm kitkat, snickers, mars smua pek besar2!


 Oklah, I think enough for Uxbridge story, about how's the Tesco here will be up in other entry yeh..

Lastly, jgn lupa gunakan oyster card bila nak naik public transport kat sini =)


coklet chenta said...

Gomok laaa..hahaha

plain.dessert said...

siapakah coklat chenta ??? heheheh, abg is tgk trus kenal :)

plain.dessert said...

Kita tgk abg is gumukkss tak balik nanti, hehe, room mate dia takyah tanya la kan, haha

ulin said...

Tempat cuppies tu best la.. Huhu
Mahal tak?

plain.dessert said...

Rsnya tak mahal sgt la, dlm 10pound xsalah..kami beli yg 2 tier tu 6pound. Cantik tu utk open house or jamuan2 :) Nak ke? Nanti kita surveykan lg ek..tunggu krismas sale

ulin said...

Aha best2.. Nnt inform.. Hehe