Monday, October 1, 2012

Salam dari Uxbridge, Hillingdon - Part 2

Sampai je kat Heathrow, ada team yang sambut kami, wakil from the University and trus bwk ke hostel. Hujan agak lebat and cuaca sgt sejuk! Smp kat area dlm Uni, tpaksa jgk redah hujan utk ke Isambard reception office, mmg tak sempat la nak layan penat, hehe! Kena pantas berlari-larian. Oh ya, hostel kami terletak di Isambard Complex, one of the major Accomodation area here..Other than that, ada Lancaster and Bishop Complex. Later on I'll added the University campus map here. Kat Isambard ni ada byk blocks hostel, from A to Q, byk kan? Ours is Block M-Trevor Slater. And for our little house, you may view the entry here Isambard Complex - Studio Flat

The next day - Monday 24th October - we went for student's registration kat Sports Centre as early 9am. Me as my husband's official photographer proudly doing a "live telecast" there, haha. The rest of the day abeskan masa kat school and library. Ptg tu balik bilik..Zzzz, still jet lag.

Next day, before pergi school for faculty induction-sempat lg singgah ke freshers fair. Lots of booths & goodies there..Masa ni klu nak register any clubs or activities bolehla isi form. Gambar2 ni certain captured using actual camera, certain from phone, sbb tu quality berbeza-beza

Wednesday 26th - Cousin husband trun town Hounslow utk visit us, hehe..Actually she's on duty, dh alang2 tu, bwk kamilah utk round situ, introduced us some of the shopping mall yg ada jual brg2 with reasonable price-mana lg, primark! hehe. Thanks Aishah! Click here for more picture at Hounslow Hounslow Town with Aishah

Thursday 27th - Hari ni keluar awal sbb nak join Student's Society round2 London. Sambil tu boleh singgah Mara London kat Malaysia Hall skali sbb diorang ada nak submit documents and register details kt sana. Dekat pukul 12 malam br balik hostel, hehe

Friday 28th - Morning till afternoon, husband joined treasure hunt as part of the last induction's activity, and around 4pm we went to Uxbridge Town to open a Bank Account.

Saturday 29th - Outing lagi, kali ni pergi ke Car Boot Sales at Denham plak. Luas tempatnya, ada mcm2 barangan dijual kat situ. Campur2, ada yg used items, and ada jugak brand new items. Kena pandai pilih kt sini. Nothing much we get from here, adalah 2 helai M&S brand new shirts and a mini note pad for me =)

Sunday 30th - Busy memasak sbb cdg nak hidang lunch utk group yg slalu kami joined tuh, cheewah! Tapi kepuasan memasak agak kureng sbb cookware masih takcukup, periuk pun pinjam. Terpaksa 2 kali masak kari ayam yg cair itu, and rice cooker adalah sgt kecil, kena repeat again and again. Bekas utk storage pun masih takada lagi, well, jadilah for the beginning!

So, thats all for a week recap, till we meet again!

love, salina


nad said...

Abot!!! Wah dh jadi perantau skrg ;)
Berapa lama? Setahun ye?
Moga sukses di sana ya! ;)

p.s: igt lagi ke tak dgn saya? ;)

plain.dessert said...

Jap, yeh, bila guna nama tu senang sket nk guest-more specific, hehe..mestila budak seratas ni..hehe

plain.dessert said...

nadia wife zaini ke... gambar tak brapa nak clear tuh

Anonymous said...

k.salina smbg blaja ke? master ke?

from Suzie

plain.dessert said...

tak lah suzie..akak follow husband je..dia yg sambung, master, kejap je ni, stahun, Insyaallah