Monday, October 1, 2012

Salam dari Uxbridge, Hillingdon - Part 1

Bismillahirahmannirahim...In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Salam Semua! Please mark the calendar, hehehe, first entry bersiaran dari Uxbridge. Kepada semua ahli keluarga, mak-mak dan abah especially, and peminat2 kami (if any, hehe) blog ini khas ditujukan utk kalian sbg tempat utk berkongsi gambar dan cerita asam garam kami dirantau org. Juga sbg kenang-kenangan untuk kami berdua nanti.

Alhamdullilah, Its been a week here! Everythings so far are good, and we're doing fine. First of all kat mana terletaknya Brunel University ni? Brunel is situated in Uxbridge, state Hillingdon-West London. It's just a small town centre on the outskirts of London. About 15-20mins to Heathrow Airport and about 40minutes to central London!

Early days here, kami busy setup a new life and almost everyday out of room to settle few things. So, lambat sikit update cerita kami kat sini, but, as promise, I'll do a recap for last week =) Get ready, it will be a long entry ever!

Sedih sbenarnya bila nak recap balik time nak berangkat kt airport aritu. I tried not to remember all those moments coz after a long while tak berjauhan dari keluarga, time tu betul2 sedih! Maybe it just normal for other people, tambah2 plak stahun je..bukan lama pun, but still, hey a family will always a family, right? Not matter how old are you, the bonding will still there.

Terima kasih kepada semua yg menghantar kami pagi tu kt KLIA. We appreciated for all of you yg bersusah payah bangun early morning especially families from senawang. Tak lupa juga kpd adik2 yg dtg naik bus dr penang and sri iskandar perak, hehe. Hope you all doings fine in your final exam ya! Ni sebahagian yg menghantar aritu, I think tak semua org ada in the picture, ada byk lg gambar blum abes transfer, coz they are from diff gadget. I'll upload later.

Sgt2 penat duduk kat flight for almost 13-14 hours (ada delay skey), sometimes we just felt not enought oxygen to breath, hehe..I managed to finish four movies kt atas tuh, hehe, while hubby still asleep. Luckily the three seaters are belongs for two of us, so selesa la skit.

Before landing, completekan dulu UK Landing Card form ek. Around 5pm UK time (around 12am Malaysia time-diff for 7 hours), we safely landed at Heathrow Airport. Phew, Alhamdullilah..and now, please,please UK Border please be nice to us :) And they really did!


Nur Hana Humaira said...

time kat uitm dulu selalu baca novel, kisah hidup di oversea akhirnya merasa jugak hidup di sana.

plain.dessert said...

Haha! Sgt btul haza...sometime fikir balik...kita mmg taktau apa yg DIA rancang utk kita. Rindu plak kat u...thanks for always being there and listen...