Monday, January 21, 2013

Flurries Everywhere

This is "syok sendiri" entry , hahaha, feeling like twilight-wanna be! As the snow continuous falling down from morning till the night yesterday, we went to the nearest recreational park for a shoot and personal-video recording.

And below some photos compilation taken at the campus on the first day of heavy snow showers last Friday, enjoy viewing!



hazawahida said...

nice pic :) wahhh seronoknya ,terasa sgt jelessss

plain.dessert said...

Ala biasa2 je, kami je over excited n syiok sdiri,hihi
Nway, tenkiu, moree piccs kt fb dh upload aritu :-)

Anonymous said...

Mcm dlm drama winter sonata

ulin said...

Bestnyer nina... Syok giler..