Monday, January 21, 2013

Finally, It's Snowing!!

Yeah, yeah, the time had come - it was well forecast when they predict the snow showers expected to fall in our area around 9am on Friday. 
We were emmm, so, so excited and wonder looking through the amaze phenomena - well for me, snow still remain as one of the miracle - keajaiban alam and kebesaran Tuhan, MasyaAllah!!
Till now, I'm still grateful and thankful for it.
Managed to capture the snowflakes - landed on hubby's jacket. By this time every snow falling down shown as real snow crystal flakes shapes, and you can see it even without a microscope! Heavy snowfall continuous atleast for few hours and getting light around 3pm that day. And the after effects was like .... waaaa .. everywhere looks like a real winter wonderland and turns white under a blanket of snow!! Please do check my fb for the photos.

I'm grilling salmon for the snowfall lunch's menu, hihi, cool right?

Lastly, I leave you with these vlog(s) taken using the handphone, not that perfect but good enough for our collection, hihi - Enjoy everyone!! I pray for you to have this experience too, one day soon or later, InsyaAllah...Amin!


cikkartunkelamkabut said...

menonton video akak dengan senyuman yag besar..