Saturday, January 12, 2013

Bristol | Clifton Suspension Bridge

Ada few history yang inter-related dgn gambar ini iaitu:
 1. Isambard Kingdom Brunel
2. The Bridge
3. The Gorge and The Cliff 

Sebelum kita tgk entry bergambar ini (yer, blog ni dh mcm fotopages-penuh dgn gambar, hehe, nak buat mcm mana owner tak pandai sgt nak susun cerita, so, let the pictures talking itself), its better to know a little bit story behind. Nak google lagi bagus, maklumat dihujung jari - tapi utk memudahkan anda, let me summarized the important points and facts.

Kalau di Brunel University ni, ada tugu patung dia berdiri agak macho at central campus, tak cukup dgn tu, seluruh Zone A utk student Hall diberi nama Isambard Complex! So, who is he? According to Mr.Wiki, Isambard Kingdom Brunel was an English mechanical and civil engineer who built dockyards, railways, steamship, numerous of bridges, tunnel and design most revolutionist public transport with modern engineering. His famous and most significant project were this Clifton Suspension Bridge and Western Railway. 

At Bristol, bridge ni merupakan landmark and iconic symbol of Bristol kerana ia penting dalam menghubungkan gaung (Gorge Avon) dan tebing yang agak curam over the River of Avon. A competition had been made in designing the bridge and among the bridge design, and Brunel won! Jika berkesempatan, luangkan masa utk berkunjung ke Visitor Information Centre, kerana disana ada dipamerkan bridge design sketches that joined the contest. Fuh, bermacam-macam design, sorry, I can't take the photo inside, but hey I found few of them from the Internet! All this happened long, longgg time ago since 1800s, wowww, can u imagine that?

And ,,,,,, here we are 03/01/2013 ,,,, yeah, we've crossed the bridge too!

The view is just amazing and wordless!! The scenery was so, so beautiful!!! Subhanallah, terima kasih Allah diatas kesempatan dan peluang ini. Sukar digambarkan dengan kata-kata and even pictures cannot bet it! Or maybe sbb kami pencinta pemandangan? Hehehe..takkisahla kan, ok, lets treasure the moments =)

From city centre you can take Bus No.8 and stop at Clifton Village or ChristChurch, then masuk park, mendaki sket, sampai. But, memula kami pun ingat bridge ni agak jauh from city centre, rupanyaaa dekat je. So, balik tu jalan kaki je sbb dh tau jalan.

At Visitor Information Centre - oh ya, bridge ni lagi cantik for night version, so, if possible stay there for fantastic bridge with light =)
Hikmah selepas hujan - berkabus, cantikk!!