Friday, December 14, 2012

Windsor | Getting Around

Actually Windsor Castle tersangat la dekat dengan tempat kami, senang dgn menaiki(skemanya) National Rail. Fyi, National Rail ni berbeza dengan Underground Tube yang selalu kami naik tuh. Tube operate mainly at London area only, meanwhile National Rail served for the entire country. So, ada few stations yang takde dalam Tube's map.
The nearest National Rail Station was at West Drayton-boleh naik memana bus yg lalu situ from University. Mcm kami of course la 222 yg plg dekat - belakang hall je kan, hihi.
Tiket return £4.40
West Drayton - After two stations, trun transit di Slough change rail - Straight to Windsor & Eton Central
Dekat sangat jarak in between these stations, jgn jadi mcm kami, naik je sembang, gelak, terus terlepas ke Taplow. Kalau terlepas jugak, just naik je balik train turnback, tak strict sangat rail ni ataupun bernasib baik tiket tidak diperiksa, hihi

Outing on weekend, orang ramai bagaikan pesta, mmg pack tapi happening!! Itu yang bestnya, hihi. Sampai2 je boleh nampak castle turrets di kejauhan.
From the station, access to shopping high street dulu. Decoration kat street ni ala-ala Bukit Tinggi di Pahang nun, hihi. This remind me to upload those pictures too,,hehe, later.

Keluar je from that gate, tersergam besar Windsor Castle, wow, so historical! Sedikit story from Mr.Google - castle ni merupakan the oldest official residence of royal family for about 1000 years! Just imagine that, betapa tuanya buildings ni uols, dh berapa monarki since zaman kegelapan Eropah. Baca balik buku sejarah peradaban dunia form 4. Now, official residence for the Queen kat Buckingham Palace.

For the rest of this entry, layan la few photos around the corner yeh.
I've split the entry as below link - check it outttt!

Selesai, itik pulang petang =)