Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hello December!

 Welcoming the first day of December. This morning, smua rumput2, pokok dah covered with all white, frost! Drop to -2 kot last night.
Biasalah, baru lagi kat sini kan, so agak 'perak' nak tunggu snow..hihi
Taaapi, belum really snow pun, dah freeze bila kat luar =)
Around 9.15am at National Rail Station - frost!

At Windsor Castle -  the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world
Sejuk giler time ni - tahan je la


Will be back again! Stay Tune! Hihi


cikkartunkelamkabut said...

Miss u sis :'(

plain.dessert said...

hye cik kartun! hehe, miss u too... baju for wedding Aishah dh ready ke? hihi