Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tricolor Fusilli with Tuna in Olive Oil

Untungnya bila ada simpan stock dry pasta mcm ni, whenever you're in emergency tak boleh keluar utk beli barang & have to bring something to that adhoc event, ini boleh jadi penyelamat! Tapi overall I don't really like fusilli pasta type yg size besar mcm ni, cepat muak klu mkn byk2.. Upload the recipe upon request from a dear friend, sorry lambat kasi!

Virgin Olive Oil
Chili Flakes
Dried Oregano
Sea Salt
Freshly Ground Black Pepper
Chopped Garlic (If u can smoked it, thats better - I tried to smoke in my oven, but too slow till I get bored)
200g Tinned Tuna (I prefer the one in sunflower oil not in the tomato souce)
Bolognese Original & Extra Mushroom Sauce
Tricolor Fusilli Pasta
Chopped Sweet Tomatoes Cheery
Chopped Capsicum
**Original recipe (I didn't put that) :
Black Olives
Flat-Leaf Parsley
Fillets, chopped
 Heat the olive oils in a pan - Saute all the A's ingredients over a low heat
Mash with the tuna (I added a sausage - spatutnya ni smua seafood saja)
Put the sauces (first try tak guna extra mushroom - taste kureng, second time campur baru okay)
Stir and cook before add in the pasta
Lastly, add all the C's ingredients and well mixed!
** Rebus dulu pasta tu before start masak**