Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Old Trafford | Manchester United Stadium

Bila sampai di UK, tak kiralah you all fan mana, mesti smua Stadium rasa nak pergi kan..hihi - Very funny, bila sampai memasing mcm jadi fan jer ek. Jauh ni nak datang sini, dari Uxbridge ke Nottingham dah almost 3 hours, then plus another hour to reach here! Eheh, padahal kalau kt Malaysia normal la kot distance 3-4 hours tu, wink!
Ikutkan Liverpool juga dah nearby sangat, but again, its a time matter! Tgk kat gambar ni, kami smp Manchester officially around 3pm++. Punyalah super express berposing.
Taraaa - Old Trafford Stadium!
Every Stadium kot ada statue legend mcm ni


Its true, as their website quote - "Whether you’re a Manchester United fan or not, a visit to the Museum & Tour Centre is a day to remember!"