Saturday, May 4, 2013

Easter Break | Trip to Scotland

31st April lepas, kami pergi short trip ke Scotland, konon-konon for annual anniversary's vacation, hihi. Earlier we planned nak pergi Dublin, Ireland (ni dr Malaysia lg teringin nak pergi lepas tgk Astro Short Movie "Dan Sebenarnya" starring Sazzy Falak) but setelah ditolak tambah switch to Plan B.
Nampaknya pemilihan destinasi bercuti for anniversary kali ini mmg SANGAT TEPAT, ohhhh! Scotland sangat sangat sangat cantik, Masyaallah! Maha Suci Tuhan yang menjadikan alam semesta.. mmg sesuai utk relax and soothing vacation.
For information, UK consist of four countries (Scotland, England, Wales & Northern Ireland), but even under the same monarchy, Scotland do have their very own tradition, language and uniqueness. So, kalau rajin and interested bolehla google all the history about Scotland or you can watch the movie "Braveheart". So, in conclusion, eh, hehe, Scotland mmg best, very beautiful with its amazing nature and fascinating. Kat Scotland ni byk castles, bukan Scotland je actually but the whole of UK, almaklum sini kan Royal Bristish Monarchy sgt kuat, kami lepas masuk the largest castle kat Windsor Castle tak masuk dah castle lain, haha, boleh tahan jugak fee for castle entrance kat sini. Amik gambar front entrance je :)
Ok, enjoy the piccas with few journey's notes, bila dah lama peram, semua idea dh hilang, huhuhu, Selamat Membaca! Love u!