Saturday, May 4, 2013

Day 1 | From Victoria to Glasgow

Early morning kami dah tercegat kat Victoria Bus Station London, seeejukkk!! It suppose to be spring but this year kan the worse winter ever, huhu, susah juga ya nak berjalan time camni, kena pakai tebal2, yeap, weather do influence your holiday's mood! On the day kami gerak tu, dengan rasminya Daylight Saving Time kembali diaktifkan, so jam smua dah dicepatkan awal satu jam, that's mean UK-Malaysia now back to 7 hours different. Siang juga beransur-ansur semakin panjang. And sekarang 4th May, early dlm 5 am dah clearly terang benderang and till near 9pm baru nak gelap.

Perjalanan dari London ke Glasgow mengambil masa lebih kurang 8 jam dengan menaiki Bus, phewww, a long journey uols.. but klu naik flight dekat je la hehe. nak wat camne this is we call cost planning, haha! Tapi sebab excite punya pasal tak kira penat dah :p
Masuk je border of Scotland, wahhh!!! Cantik sangat *rasa nak menari kat sini*, so guys if u want to see all the scenery, if taknak naik bus, you can take train ok, and make sure sit on your right side, coz kat belah situ yang banyak pemandangan menarik. Lucky four us masa tuh dpt the right angle for the view, tak plan pun sbb tak pernah pergi lagi kan. And make sure one of your jourey (either one, pergi atau balik - siang hari laaa) kalau tak, emmm, gelap malam tak nampak apa. Mcm kami pergi siang, even mcm buang masa the whole day dlm Bus, but its really worth it, coz the view are sooo amazing hehe. Balik naik bus malam je, sbb dh penat, zzzzzz!
Kami based at Premier Inn, Glasgow - for the whole trip, senang takpayah nak repackaging byk kali, and spend all the nights here, lepak je memalam kt bilik preparing for the next day journey.
Premier Inn ni located kat Glasgow City Centre (George Squeare), senang dan mudah sbb dekat dengan Bus Station and city centre, well, kami kan backpackers and no private transport, klu jauh jauh susah nak moving. Bangunan-bangunan kat sini smua style mcm ni yer, old fashioned smuanya, hahaha, yet it historic =)

About 40GBP per night, spacious room and yang paling best, Sainsbury's next door je, sekelip mata, hotel kami menjadi mini kitchen! Hahaha, a wife will always be a wife wherever she go, right?