Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Will the 'Wintery' March Eclipse the Spring?


Salam, hello there = )
It's supposed to be beginning of spring this month
, March - but winter seems doesn't wanna say goodbye to us here, hihi.

The weather is getting colder since last weekend, and not only that, light snow also fell today and few on last Monday.
Me as usual tried to enjoy every precious moments and thankful for all of these experiences
Still remember my previous photo posted on my FB about snow kitty? Hey, I found it published on the Brunel Buletin Newspaper - Le Nurb, so called as "Purrrfect Snowcat" !! Hehehe, so excited cause finally we found who are the creative artist that doing such a great sculpture. He must be pretty proud of his effort, hehe, so coollll!
Pictures and details taken from owner's website
foot note: Above Snow Video taken on 11st February, 2013 from our bed window at Trevor Slater Hall, Isambard Complex and Spring Beautiful Blossoms taken along the  road heading to Yiewsley