Friday, March 15, 2013

What's New in Town?

Hurry, hurry, check it out!
New grocery store is now opening near our residence - just at the back of Isambard Complex, to be exact near the ferndale crescent bus stop, next to Ford's showroom. About the price, what can I say it have more or less price compare with other stores, depends on the items, but for the nearby residence - its the distance matter, hehe.
Ok, will show u the random products in the other entry later.

See, the sky in the photos, ohhh, how beautiful!!
Did I had mention before that the sky here are so photogenic! They are awesome in many ways and in any situation, love it!

Next is, Fun Fair !!
Near the Yiewsley - West Drayton area, at the time I took these photos, they just about to set up the place. Guess it must be ready now =)

And last ...what's new in the collection, hehe, The House by The Sea!! Cheap, got it for a  £1 whereas the normal price was  £12.99. hihi
The story takes place from the Tuscani, Italian countryside to the beautiful English coast, England's Devon. That's all for now, see ya , hopefully I can publish few entries before the Easter Break.


cikkartunkelamkabut said...

whre are u sis?lama sangat dah tak update belog kamu ni??

plain.dessert said...

Halooooo, chak!!! hahaha, here I am!!! kaaannn, akhirnya dh kena sound! hahaha, okay2 will update soonest, promise!