Monday, February 11, 2013

Comforting Winter

Salam Everyone!
Hope not too late to wish everybody a good long break and Happy CNY to all my chinese friends :)
May all of you enjoy the holidays with family & friends, having some good foods (for sure, mom's cooking are the best!), and in a good health too.
Well, what we (It's me actually, hehe) did during the 'holiday' .. No jalan-jalan this weekend since its raining through the weekend...not only raining, but it's turn to SNOW today..yes, again and again, how's grateful we are for having a blissful winter this time. Maybe it's the last snow for this season, huhu, gonna keep these beautiful memories deeply ..

**snow showers heavily falling down outside **

I bought a mini cupcake maker yesterday, and it's not made in UK..hehehe, it's from China okay. Well, its actually looks and functional like a bahulu maker..hahaha. So, I'm trying to bake the simplest cupcake recipe ( 1 egg, lemon juice, 50gram of self raising flour, 50gram of butter and 50gram of sugar), simple isn't it? Hihi
Here there are - the output quite funny (ni budak-budak mesti suka) and the taste not bad,hihi-enak dimakan begitu saja!

mini lemon vanilla cupcake OR I rather call them 'bahulu' without any decoration yet (my fav whipping cream running out of stock!)

Ok, back to the winter-mood, here are the few guide or what you maybe need during the freezing temperature. Not neccessary, depends..that's why I say it..maybe =)
Beside the winter coat or jacket and gloves, the thermal inside was helping me warm the body so much. We already bought at Universal Treveller in Malaysia before came here, but we found below quite comfortable (bought here) ... tight size more warm compare the loose one. Anyway, I did wear several layers last time during snowy-playing-time hehehe..that's why looks "cool" main dgn salji.hehe

What else... okay, you might be suffer with a dry skin's problem, so keep your skin moist with the lotion and this brand E45 are most recommended. Other than that Vaseline is the bestt, haha, sapu la memana yang nak, lips or in any other skin's area especially your elbow
Muffler scarfs

Lastly... the boot!!
Hahaha, water and snow resistance, wink!!
Told you ianya agak membazir,,since hanya dipakai ketika main snow, but mmg puas hati sbb takmasuk air and shoe soles grip tightly - fyi, jalan akan menjadi sgt licin due to after snow-efffect.