Sunday, February 24, 2013

Kari Daging Uxbridge

Following kisah parcel in previous entry, setelah mother in law bersusah payah mengirimkan daun kari and daun limau purut nun jauh dari Malaysia, maka resipi untuk minggu ini haruslah menggunakan bahan-bahan tersebut agar ianya dihargai sebaik mungkin, hehe
Sambal belacan tu pula buat setelah seorang rakan disini bermurah hati memberi sedikit belacan milik beliau, thanks fizah!
Selain dari kari daging, daging goreng, masak kicap, sup daging, aper lagi yeh resipi korang yang sedap-sedap? Sudi-sudilah share yeh, TQ!!

Happy Birthday Sayang

Auwwwch! Tittle tak pandang kiri kanan, hehe
On 21st February 2011 - two years ago my husband got this offer for studying abroad and dengan izin Allah, Alhamdullilah hari ini berada di sini.
So, bg meraikan or so be called celebrating his birthday, I decided to make my very own rainbow cake special for my dearest one! Bukan banyak pun date dalam life kami berdua nak ingat, hehe (other than our families important's date).. hanya ada birthday date masing-masing and anniversary. Anniversary tu boleh katakan every month pun diingati, in term of date lah, biasalah begitulah alkisah jika berdua ja =)
Memetik kata-kata Prof Muhaya, mari amalkan 3 prinsip ini untuk tidak risau,
1. Bilakan masa yang paling penting -  waktu sekarang
2. Siapakan yang paling penting - orang depan kita
3. Apakah perkara paling penting - buat baik
Jadi jaga 3 perkara ini, jika tiada orang depan kita, buat baik pada diri, jaga solat dan jangan buat jahat. Bila buat baik, kita dekatkan diri dengan syurga.
Saya pun masih banyak kekurangan, terima kasih pada Allah kerana mengirimkan suami buat saya, selain anugerah ibu bapa yang melahirkan kita - mood emo and touching pulak, hihi
Back to the birthday story, taktau kenapa mmg berkobar nak buat kek pelangi ni, hihi. Kebetulan pula hari rabu and khamis, I'm kinda bit of busy since I'm babysit kids at their house. Nak buat awal takut tak brapa elok simpan lama-lama dlm fridge.
Dijadikan cerita rabu lunch-three hours break tuh, rushing balik bilik and start prepare buat cake + lunch okay. Mmg rushing since kek kena bakar every layer. Dahla first time uols, kunun-kunun mcm pro..dipendekkan cerita, I missed baking powder!!! So you know what happened to the cake, right? Hahaha
Tu incident pertama, malamnya pulak teruskan jugak ni since dah bertungkus lumus buat (erks, dengan bantuan birthday boy skali sbenarnya, takpe apa yang penting, kerjasama, hihi)
nak cover la and topping cake dgn cheese cream instead of whipping cream. Either salah soft cream (kat sini tak jumpa cream cheese mcm kat Msia) or silap saya tercampur fresh milk, cream jadi over liquid! Maka, project failed and tidurlah malam tu dgn mimpi ngeri cake seperti Mr.Bean's nightmare scary about oyster (eh, korang pernah tgk ke scene yang ni? hehe). Nak cover dengan whipping cream, stock dah abes sbb guna utk filling every layer cake tadi.
Bangun pagi, before 7am, husband mengofferkan diri untuk jd runner ke Tesco beli whipping cream (naik bus lerr), hik hik, menurut beliau dia perasan that I'm crying that night.. huksss, padahal klu beli cake ready made dh settle dah pun or buat benda lain yg simple.
So, inilah dia rupa cake tu kawan-kawan, hahaha, mmgla korang yang pro akan gelak, sbb dah la rasa failed, decoration pun out, mmg terbukti saya ini tidak kreatif, tangan keras tidak berseni. Tapi suami yang baik hati sgt menghargai kek ini, hehe
Since the kids on their school term-break on that Thursday, I bring them to our studio room and having Ainul's fav - nasi lemak!! Sempat jugak Ainul buat kad birthday, hihi
Lastly, Happy Birthday my baby husband, thanks for everything ... May Allah bless you always and love u to bits!

Parcel Lagi

Huh, sejujurnya I hate these... looks like we can't survive here, hoho, masuk kandang lembu mengaum, masuk pandang kambing sila mengembek ye ... patutnya lah kan... bukan lama pun .. nanti balik Malaysia, for sure rindu makanan sini pula. Takde pun takper kot makanan tuh - manja or mengada-ngada? hehehe. But blame me for all these,,,selalu tertinggal itu ini and last minute preparation, maka beginilah jadinya
First, I need the contact lenses .. Even pemakaian mmg dah tak sekerap zaman dedulu (I've wearing lens since 2000) but still kena ada stock jugak. Thought that kat sini boleh beli mcm kat Malaysia, but it's not! Kena jumpa eye specialist dulu utk prescription. Eye glasses pun sama jugak, not simply boleh beli yek.. so take note utk uols smua, silalah bawak stok banyak-banyak yeh, mahal jugak utk byr consultation shj..belum lg beli those things.
Ok, so terpaksa mengharap jasa baik my family in law belikan stok smua as collection parcel point kat situ, pos skali. hihi
Terima kasih la yeh semua yg bersusah payah menguruskan barang-barang kali ni
(yerla...kali ni byk barang I je kot, hehe - *malu*)
Second is tudung. Mengikut cuaca disini, pemakaian tudung bawal adalah "upps" (gaya Johan raja lawak) skali sbb mmg akan senget benget la dibuai angin yg slalunya bukanlah sepoi-sepoi bahasa..hihi.. tapi disebabkan face-shaping yg takbrapa nak slim nih, berdegil la jgk.. shawl pun tak try lagi, tak sesuai kot jugak. huhu..jadi mintak pos lagi dgn kepelbagaian warna, nak pakai bila pun taktau..haha..
Alang-alang tu, jari ni gatal lagi membeli online..sempat jugak jenguk ke and membeli satu dress, feeling nak pakai time spring or summer gitu tapi ada krisis colour pulak. Mmg dah tulis color beige, tapi gambar yg model pakai mcm not into that mcm okaylah, this is what I want, pastel gitu mcm nak kearah peace. sekali received mmg truly beige!!! Hemmm, pengajarannya, silalah percaya pada label bukan pada pandangan mata yer
ni cuba kalian tgk kat bawah ni, adakah saya seorang yang mengalami krisis colour itu?
Ini pula koleksi tudung - first time beli kat aidijuma, dalam byk-byk 9 pieces tu satu pun tak match dgn dress diatas..what the..hukssss... nak buat mcm mana force jgk nanti to be mix n match, hehe
Parcel ni smp dua hari sebelum birthday husband, baguslah tuh, hadiah in advance hahaha, dia mmg peminat keropok ikan tuh, so ini adalah stok smp balik ok! Pheww, ni baru setahun bukan 4! Kenapa kali ni tiada barang yg penting iaitu ikan bilis and cili kering...sebabnya..before this dah ada few batch parcel jgk yang tak disclosed dlm blog ni, hahaha, yang tu tru husband's cousin. Sangat-sangatlah tidak survive kan?
Masa ni dilanda fenomena maggie asam laksa - penangan Istanbul Aku Datang!
Siapakah yang harus dipersalahkan?
Nasib baik ada penyelamat si cantik manis, tinggi lampai Aishah on duty datang sini
Lastly, terima kasih sekali lagi pada semua yang membantu kami disini dalam mengumpulkan barang-barang dibawah, hehe, dedicated for husband's family for the entire postal process; kepada emak yang membelikan barang-barang dapur, menimbang and mempacking, kak ngah kesana sini cari lense (banyak kedai yang takde stok), kak long finalized kan packing and settlekan urusan postal, nenek, mak lang and siti (keropok import dari Terengganu), terima kasih Mak Lang bagi keropok pedas ikan, malam tu jgk bukak trus makan (ish...tak sempat!) and kepada Pos Laju International Malaysia, lebih 0.05gram pun anda kira 1KG..uhuksss..tersedak membayarnya, haha
Juga tak lupa pada Cik Puan Aishah yang selama ni trun naik Brunei-Dubai-London pass barang-barang, kami doakan selamat semuanya nanti =)
Semoga smua diberkati dan hanya Allah yang membalas jasa baik kalian, muahhh!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

UK Life | Tesco

Dah lama nak upload entry about Tesco but keep on delay, so since everybody baru balik from the long break, apa kata kita cuci mata tgk grocery kat Tesco sini
, hihi
Mostly barang dapur memang beli kat Tesco (and ada jugak yang beli kat tempat lain yer), area kami je ada dua branch Tesco besar, each at our left and right side direction. Tapi klu Tesco Express tu banyakla kat station minyak pun ada..

Ramai jugak yang bertanya - "Sama tak Tesco di sana dengan di Malaysia?" - Jawapannya, YA, basically lebih kurang sama sahaja - hehe - Bagus..bagus utk soalan ini, kalau saya juga mungkin akan bertanya soalan yang sama. Lainlah kalau sudah biasa duduk di UK kan. Tapi saya kurang pasti di negara2 lain, ini cuma review di area sini sahaja. What I found is products which carry  their own brand - means brand Tesco itself, disini agak berkuality compare in Malaysia (ni review pengalaman sendiri, on certain items mungkin bukan semua, hehe) .. Anyway, setiap hari pun rasa nak pergi Tesco, haha, seronok!! Mmg lain experience shopping grocery di Tesco UK and Tesco Malaysia

Dari segi harga pula.. masa mula-mula sampai mmg terasa mahal, cause I keep converting from pound to rm ..fuhhh..mau tak mahal... garam yang sikit tu pun 1 pound = rm5!
Tapi lama kelamaan, klu kita duduk disini (I mean kerja and stay disini, bukan temporary student mcm kami nih) , hemmm, quite cheap!!
Yerla, kat Malaysia ada tak product yg less than RM1? Disini majority basic product more or less 1pound.. *basic product* okay.. bukan semua, hehe. Tapi janganlah kita membandingkan and complaint, taraf hidup dan sosio ekonomi negara kan tak sama.

So, ini adalah antara gambar-gambar yang sempat dicapture masa mula-mula sampai dulu, hihi ..tak smua lah.. besar sgt kot Tesco nih, lets begin,

Kita mulakan dengan ice cream...sbb smua orang suka ice cream kan? hihi

Murah kan?
Fyi, even ice ceam brand Tesco ni pun made from Belgium Chocolate tauu.. kat bawah nih antara flavour yang pernah kami beli.. gilir-gilir perisa after one to another. So far beli yang murah-murah je, hihi, yerla even 1 pound pun klu dh penuh satu troly tak ke byk tu...pening husband..hehe
 Cake Ice Cream, yummy

Sayur-sayuran lak, biasaaa sejak jadi full time housewife ni, grocery shopping menjadi subjek utama, uhuksss!!
So far, serai, daun kari, cili api, daun sup, daun bawang, smuanya ada, cuma daun limau purut susah sket nak jumpa la (belum pernah pun lg actually, hihi)

Ok, selaku makanan ruji iaitu BERAS, haha, yang syioknya kat sini guna beras basmathi! Murah and sangat sedap .. and dengan mengekalkan ciri-ciri kemelayuannya, maka kami tidak dapat tidak menggantikan nasi dgn menu orang puteh, haha
nak buat mcm mana, we love rice!
So, antara banyak2 brand, (eceh, pernah try tiga jenis ni ja), Indian Basmathi yang colour orange ni lah yg paling memikat selera, in term of tekstur, tasty dan lain-lain lagi =)
For the price, its 5pound for 5KG, same for all the below types.
 Jem, mayonis, butter, chocolate nutella smua pun murah-murah and sedap

 ni smua yang I snap mostly area Halal and vegetarian yeh. But even vegetarian, it's just free from animal gluten but still you have to check whether its contain wain and alcohol or not. Mcm jam buah-buahan, certain tu dia dah rendam dgn wain, kena carefully baca Ingredients eventhough dah label "suitable for vegetarian".
 Selain dari cari label "suitable for vegetarian", especially for bakery based or pastry, mostly ingredients mix with whey. So, kalau ada choice yang takde whey, kalau boleh kami akan pilih yang itu , dua-dua pun akan ada label "suitable for vegetarian" nih yer.
Pastry and biscuits kat sini memang sedap-sedap belaka..hari-hari pun akan terasa nak makan je, huhu..ok entry biscuits and snack foods di entry lain yer
Ni pulak lauk mentah yang sering menjadi pilihan, adalah lain lagi mcm daging smua, tapi yang tu slalu beli kat tempat lain, other entry yeh

 Haaa, chili sos, perencah Brahim's and santan pun ada la, hihi..oh ya kat oversea ni mostly mmg smua tomato sauce ja..utk chilli sauce or garlic whatsoever ni smua product import from asean yeh
Pheww, the long entry ever, haha...Lastly kat sini mmg familiar dgn online shopping even grocery pun.. So, adalah jugak kami mencuba especially bila nak beli brg2 berat mcm beras dan lain2 lagi..
Itu saja buat tatapan kalian semua, hihi, jumpa lagi!

Muffin Madness

Salam readers,
Second trial using my mini cupcake maker.. this time I'm trying plain basic muffin - again experimental with the simplest recipe in the world!
Hahaha, begitula... baru mencuba with this new tool, so harus guna resipi yang plg mudah dan ekonomi dengan erti kata lain agar pembaziran tidak berlaku jika tidak menjadi!! hihih
I called it PLAIN cause there are no other flavour inside, no mashed banana or grated apple and even no chocolate chip added!!
Very easy and tasty, ends up with 28 pieces (4 times bake x 7 pieces in every cook), wuhuuu!
 Will enhance it time to time, so wait till my next post okay =)
Emm..the presentation not really into a muffin, hahaha. It should looks like a volcano and bursting out a crack on the top, isn't it? Well, still oven is the best solution I guess =)
Just for having fun, why not giving a try?
1 egg
120ml milk
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
200g plain flour
(equivalent with 14 tablespoons or 1 cup)
100g caster sugar
(equivalent with 6.5 tablespoons)
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

Monday, February 11, 2013

Comforting Winter

Salam Everyone!
Hope not too late to wish everybody a good long break and Happy CNY to all my chinese friends :)
May all of you enjoy the holidays with family & friends, having some good foods (for sure, mom's cooking are the best!), and in a good health too.
Well, what we (It's me actually, hehe) did during the 'holiday' .. No jalan-jalan this weekend since its raining through the weekend...not only raining, but it's turn to SNOW today..yes, again and again, how's grateful we are for having a blissful winter this time. Maybe it's the last snow for this season, huhu, gonna keep these beautiful memories deeply ..

**snow showers heavily falling down outside **

I bought a mini cupcake maker yesterday, and it's not made in UK..hehehe, it's from China okay. Well, its actually looks and functional like a bahulu maker..hahaha. So, I'm trying to bake the simplest cupcake recipe ( 1 egg, lemon juice, 50gram of self raising flour, 50gram of butter and 50gram of sugar), simple isn't it? Hihi
Here there are - the output quite funny (ni budak-budak mesti suka) and the taste not bad,hihi-enak dimakan begitu saja!

mini lemon vanilla cupcake OR I rather call them 'bahulu' without any decoration yet (my fav whipping cream running out of stock!)

Ok, back to the winter-mood, here are the few guide or what you maybe need during the freezing temperature. Not neccessary, depends..that's why I say it..maybe =)
Beside the winter coat or jacket and gloves, the thermal inside was helping me warm the body so much. We already bought at Universal Treveller in Malaysia before came here, but we found below quite comfortable (bought here) ... tight size more warm compare the loose one. Anyway, I did wear several layers last time during snowy-playing-time hehehe..that's why looks "cool" main dgn salji.hehe

What else... okay, you might be suffer with a dry skin's problem, so keep your skin moist with the lotion and this brand E45 are most recommended. Other than that Vaseline is the bestt, haha, sapu la memana yang nak, lips or in any other skin's area especially your elbow
Muffler scarfs

Lastly... the boot!!
Hahaha, water and snow resistance, wink!!
Told you ianya agak membazir,,since hanya dipakai ketika main snow, but mmg puas hati sbb takmasuk air and shoe soles grip tightly - fyi, jalan akan menjadi sgt licin due to after snow-efffect.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Maher Zain - So Soon | Official Music Video

I love this song so much!
So, I think I should share about it ... perfect, touching and emotional reflections!

Salam Jumaat all and I leave you (especially my family members) with these pieces of notes, handwritting by my late father - I found it in his locked drawer with other valuables personal property.

He was my major motivation mentor - thanks abah and mak for all the wonderful lessons and bring me into this world both of you to bits!!!

*** So Soon ***

Every time I close my eyes I see you in front of me
I still can hear your voice calling out my name
And I remember all the stories you told me
I miss the time you were around [x2]
But I’m so grateful for every moment I spent with you
‘Cause I know life won’t last forever

You went so soon, so soon
You left so soon, so soon
I have to move on ’cause I know it’s been too long
I’ve got to stop the tears, keep my faith and be strong
I’ll try to take it all, even though it’s so hard
I see you in my dreams but when I wake up you are gone
Gone so soon

Night and day, I still feel you are close to me
And I remember you in every prayer that I make
Every single day may you be shaded by His mercy
But life is not the same, and it will never be the same
But I’m so thankful for every memory I shared with you
‘Cause I know this life is not forever

You went so soon, so soon
You left so soon, so soon
I have to move on ’cause I know it’s been too long
I’ve got to stop the tears, keep my faith and be strong
I’ll try to take it all, even though it’s so hard
I see you in my dreams but when I wake up you are gone

There were days when I had no strength to go on
I felt so weak and I just couldn’t help asking: “Why?”
But I got through all the pain when I truly accepted
That to God we all belong, and to Him we’ll return, ooh

You went so soon, so soon
You left so soon, so soon
I have to move on ’cause I know it’s been too long
I’ve got to stop the tears, keep my faith and be strong
I’ll try to take it all, even though it’s so hard
I see you in my dreams but when I wake up you are gone
Gone so soon